
Latest news from the
Meadowhead Community Learning Trust

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Meadowhead Community Learning Trust.
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MCLT Funded Projects Update

Meadowead Eco Group were awarded £500 in October 2022. The group have been busy creating the community garden, investing in plants and habitats to encourage wildlife. 
The Bradway Primary Enrichment Hub - awarded £1500 
Opened in October 2022, the hub is a fantastic space, which is proving to be beneficial in many areas. For example, many of our vulnerable children have accessed the space and feel it is a quiet and safe place where they enjoy spending their time. There is even a permanent resident, a rabbit named Bernie! Other activities facilitated by the Hub include: small group literacy lessons, art & crafts, sensory play, zones groups, theraplay, friendship groups, cooking, yoga, nurture drop in and used during break time as a quiet space. 

It is safe to say that our children, staff, parents and carers are delighted with the hub and we are all optimistic about the future plans we have for its use. Thank you for your support and donation.
Lower Meadow Sensory Garden - awarded £1000
Lower Meadow applied for a grant to help set up a Sensory garden to help meet the needs of their children who have a variety of SEMH needs. They have cleared a garden area, had bark laid as a base, purchased new seating including benches and logs, along with 'scented' plants, compost, planters and a buddleia tree. 
Their Y6 children are now putting all this together as part of their leaving project and the legacy they can leave behind for other pupils. They are painting tyres to become other planters, weeding the beds ready for some planting of herbs and they are going to be building a bug hotel. The site manager is also going to build a musical wall. This will be completed by the end of this Summer term. 
Latest awarded bids

Norton Free Primary School
£500 was awarded to Norton Free Primary School to provide class sets of quality reading texts for reciprocal reading in school (either 16 or 32 texts) from Yrs 2 - 6. Children take part in reciprocal reading every morning in these year groups, if we could source some books that link to the curriculum/topic as well, this would enhance the reading that is already taking place.
Bradway Primary School
£300 has been awarded to support buying seeds and nursery plants to grow produce for a hub enterprise project, which involves creating a recipe book. They are also wanting to plant a sensory herb garden alongside the new sensory tunnel and provide resources to the after school gardening club.  Meadowhead Community Learning Trust will also support in sourcing free seeds and plants from local garden centers and shops. 

Meadowhead Community Learning Trust - Summer Fair
£500 was awarded to support the promotion of the fair. Funds raised at the fair through the entry fee and stall holders fees will be donated back to the MCLT. 
Matilda The Musical JR
What a show! We are so unbelievably proud of each and every one of the students involved in the Matilda The Musical JR production. We have been overwhelmed by the positive feedback we have received from the audiences each night and have continued to pass that praise on to the students. Thank you again to our wonderful cast and production team for such an incredible show and fantastic experience overall! Mrs Masson-Wilson said "I am incredibly proud of all the students involved in Matilda JR, both on and off stage. They shone so brightly during show week and are a credit to our school!"

Upcoming Events

We will again be holding a raffle and so we are looking for prize donations. If you would like to donate a raffle prize or if you would like free tickets please email Maddie;

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